Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I've been working on a personal project now for about two years, researching, sketching, and generally thinking about alot of stuff. Going to keep it classified as top secret, locked in the bunker for now, until I have something tangible to show. I don't want to get ahead of myself. Just a little teaser of some really great work I came across during my research. The body of work by Antony Micallef is just visually amazing. I don't agree with all of his subject matter or messages, but his technique and overall style is a treat to look at and absorb.

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Been hammering at the O as of late. Meetings, long days, lots of time in front of the machine and hardware. Got the camo netting up over my desk, finally. It works wonders on diffusing the glare that was seemingly magnetized to my computer screen on a daily basis. You can thank me later, retinas!

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Eric, Traci's brother, is flying in today. He's going to be with us for a week to celebrate Paisley's first birthday, get some quality time in with the family, some quality time with the Wii, and some quality time at the beach/in the water. So stoked to have him down here. Let the fun times ensue!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Guilty Pleasures/Inherited Traits

I would groan, acquire an attitude and generally complain when we would have to go to battlefields on family vacations, sit through tv shows about World War II or hear the same stories over and over. When I was a teenager, the world seemed so different and I "knew everything". Now, I am reminded daily by my wife how similar I am to my father. My humor. My nonessential detail (nonessential to everyone else but me). My love for everything military. I have camo netting over my desk at work. I have model planes flying over said desk. I have a new guilty pleasure. Blazing Angels for Wii. My wife was wonderful enough to buy this game for me, knowing that I was going to enjoy the hell out of it! And man, this game is insane. I just can't wait to share this one with my dad once they come down this summer. How funny that the circle actually comes back around to meet itself.