I would groan, acquire an attitude and generally complain when we would have to go to battlefields on family vacations, sit through tv shows about World War II or hear the same stories over and over. When I was a teenager, the world seemed so different and I "knew everything". Now, I am reminded daily by my wife how similar I am to my father. My humor. My nonessential detail (nonessential to everyone else but me). My love for everything military. I have camo netting over my desk at work. I have model planes flying over said desk. I have a new guilty pleasure. Blazing Angels for Wii. My wife was wonderful enough to buy this game for me, knowing that I was going to enjoy the hell out of it! And man, this game is insane. I just can't wait to share this one with my dad once they come down this summer. How funny that the circle actually comes back around to meet itself.
I love all of the things about you. Your style and talent in writing, and well everything that you touch ;)
Your silliness, your calmness and willing to help. I love you dearly and am so proud of you and the person that you are becoming! Don't ever change, even if I do give you crap!!! (it is my job, and I do it well) I love you Jason Kenitzer
I love this.
Things do come full circle, but these things that come back to you are things that YOU enjoy, things that YOU want to hang onto. You will pass things on to your children, without them knowing it, and you will see them surface, and you will smile. It's nice to know you have touched another person's life, especially when that person happens to be your child.
As I said, I love this.
Your Poppy would be proud.
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