After almost 16 hours of travel logged, I finally got to stretch my legs. Curb and I galavanted around the Gothic district for a good eight hours today, zig zagging down narrow streets that can't even fit the width of a car. The alleys dart this way and that, with no apparent rhyme or reason, every corner twisting you and turning you. Very easy to get confused and lost in the old town maze that is Gothic Barcelona.
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1. Ate the absolute worst hamburger in the history of mankind this afternoon.
2. Got a huge blister on the ball of my foot (jet lag affects more than just your sleeping).
3. Smelled every smell in the olfactory spectrum.
4. Drank my first Guiness in Europe.
5. Kicked the stomach bug that has been ailing me since Tequila Sunday with Traci and Pais.
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Tomorrow, off to Bread and Butter. Should be a good show, looking forward to seeing the best of what Europe has to offer. Interested to see the various points of view presented and who will be showing. Chad gets in tonight. Off to dinner. If it was anything like lastnight, should be good.
1 comment:
very cool babe. I love reading what you write, you are such a good writer keep it coming :) Cool photo
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