First of my family to set foot back on the soil of the motherland. First from my family to eat Thurenger Style Brauts. Thurengen is the town where my dad's side of the family is from and the Brauhaus that we went to for dinner, serves their sausages and brauts in styles conventional to certain areas in Germany. So very cool. Very proud of being able to cross some more things off the to-do-before-30 list. Squeaked that one in there just in time.
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So glad to be towards the end of the trip. Very excited to be in Germany, but definitely looking forward to getting home. I've looked forward to getting back ever since I've left, but never before have I missed my life as much as now. I miss my wife and baby girl. Missing everything that is what surrounds me on a daily basis. I feel very forunate and blessed to have been able to go on this trip. However, I am looking forward to holding Paisley and kissing Traci. Until then, more shopping in yet another city.
Happy 30th Birthday Jason!!!! We hope you have a nice b'day while in Germany. It seems rather ironic that you are celebrating 30 years of living in a country where your ancestors came from. Pretty cool!!
I know you miss Traci & Paisley. It will be nice for you all to be together again.
We love you lotz and wish you a very happy birthday.
Mom and Dad
PS: Grandma and Grandpa send their birthday wishes as well. Grandma turned 91 today. Remember when you and her celebrated together?!?!!! They sure do love you!
It was so nice to hear your voice again. We miss you very much too. God bless and Happy 30th I wish we were spending it with you. Enjoy
Sounds like you are having a blast... I am trying to keep your wife busy. She misses you. Happy 30th Birthday!
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